The Underground Librarian

What cats do before meeting curiosity sellers….

Archive for November 8th, 2014

For flips and kicks

Posted by N. A. Jones on November 8, 2014

I was debating heavily on competing in the Chiquita Banana Cooking Lab Contest:

Cooking Lab Recipe Contest – Chiquita® Bananas

Get creative in the kitchen with Chiquita Bananas and you could WIN $4000 in our Cooking Lab recipe contest!

It may be a sad day, but right now its about making it through the rest of the month. Still, there is a new contest every week through Christmas or there after. For lack of a better phrase… “My kitchen will rise again!”. Ok, that was tasteless and crude. I apologize. Still, you are smiling and that is all that counts. Since I haven’t the time or funds yet to enter, why don’t you give it a whirl. With the ingredients this week it’ll no doubt place high on the taste bud register for Thanksgiving.
Well, gotta go. I’ve got a stack of writing to type and a recipe or two to construct.
Enjoy the weekend and cook something that challenges your taste buds!
~Pastied Pastry Cook with a clean kitchen. (Yes, I will rub that in.)

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