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Posts Tagged ‘North Korea’

Propping up a Donation or Two

Posted by N. A. Jones on July 1, 2009


UNITED NATIONS, Jun. 26, 2009 (IPS/GIN) – As the world’s poorer nations warn about the gravity of the global financial crisis on their fragile economies, the United Nations has exposed an apparent contradiction by Western donors who cry poverty even while they raise trillions of dollars to rescue their beleaguered financial institutions.

Hmmm. I’m going to toss a few builted points into the conversation and hopefully I’ll we’ve it together so you have a napkin to wipe your mouth with after this steak dinner you’ve asked me to write for you. And I’ll throw in a few references to other sites if they can be found today. Otherwise I’ll supplement later.

1)China Trade Helps Shield N. Korea: Cash Aids Military, May Offset Sanctions by Blaine Harden at the Wasington Post (newspaper) Search for the article at  You may have to sign up. It is for free.

Take this article as a reference for other issue. In this type of economy their is more likelihood for flashpoints over petty thievery. Ever read about Jean ValJean and stealing of Bread… Somehow the French Revolution all comes down to bread. Not Yeast which could make beer as well. But bread the final product. Remember what happened in Zimbabwe (I think) or was it Kenya in 2006 or the first 6 months of 2007? In any case a revolution came shortly after a bread shortage. The money that is not coming to aid some countries may be going to supplement military issues and concerns. Let me expound if I may, in situation when Money is usually the oil that greases the government machine and temporary breakdown happens till the government (as in administration) leads the way to shift efforts to find another type of oil. In one case in history it meant no more oil, but elbow grease. I have a gap in my learning about Chinese History before the Cultural Revolution and the transition out of dynasty rule. Lets just make a reduction of it and ignore the royalty issue to draw a closer analogy to the United States of America. Before a great upheaval. The economic state was an attempt at balancing an oligarchy. What I learned an oligarchy exists when the have and have not scales over tip themselves in the direction of the weathy. They are obscenely wealthy and the poor have not enough money to claim rights to the letters “p” or “o”. The middle class, which has always been the buffer and defense in a laissez faire economy and capitalistic society. Question is where did the capatal go. Even paper money I’ve been taught is nothing but a promissary note.

When you shift to elbow grease, captial, becomes people and their physical capabilities. This is why some put so much stock in teaching their children a tradition trade. When all the theoretical things like pushing paper, crunching numbers, wondering about credit and weather predictions become needless–people sstill need cooks, maids, tailors, seamstresses, furniture makers, mechanics and carpenters. The value is in the worth of your product. It puts a reinvigoration into small business in a way. In the Latin language. Dead language though it might be for some, I want to tell you something. “Corporate” in Latin refers to the human body. Everyone really can bein business by that means. And prosecuted if you look at it that way. {giggle}.

It just dawned on me. By putting money into the military, one could do the same thing Constantine alluded to in a previous post: secure merchant trade routes. In fact change some up because of old problems; and take care to find new avenues of trade. There’s gotta be a least one town in the United State that Walmart keeps overlooking. This would also include merchant marine route. Woah! Somthing again.. Remember when A group from Dubai (as in the United Arab Emirates) almost bought full and complete right to secure of the United States shoreline? If you didn’t know, we, think of the ramifications. It did n’t happen if I remember correctly. I could be wrong. but Dubai, U.A.E. is in the Saudi Arbian Peninsula… As in Middle East. It happened in 2004-2006. Please excuse me if those dates are wrong. FYI: UAE then was the richest and oneof the smallest countries on the planet.

2) Somtimes donors give specific details as to how money can be used; even if they are in the same country. Money may directly put to certain institution and may be specified not to go to certain groups or organizations, etcetera.

3) When in crises, the best bet for safety is to take care of your own needs and demands first. If its a long term danger, it is best to secure your future first.  Also, look at it this way: if you are busy taking care of everyone else. Who really is taking care of you?

4) Also in the past 5 years or so, and heavier lately, have been investigations of non-proift organizations in the United States that fundraise and donate outside of the U.S. It has become a national security issue. One group that was tried and convicted was link to giving  funds to a groups like Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas or something like that. Banking laws have changed since then as well. Oh! Becareful of grant giving over the internet. Someone I know is a grants research, they got solicited out of Italy. For a check of 150,000 dollars ona tip this organization said it got about them–the researcher was to send $150 dollars to a banker in the United Kingdom who would complete the transfer. That my dear is a scam.

According to the Times Online that the $700 billion bailout should be enough to shore up/secure the social security system in the U.S. for a century. So I guess it depend on how it gets sepnt other than on banks 100%. The horror the governement has been saying for years is when social security runs out. hmm. SS is primary support and infrastructure for the U.S. I definite am pro-securing that for at least a century. It can be revisted in anticipation of a meltdown 80 or 90 years from now. Hmm. Good question: Is Social Security the bedrock of the United States economic system? If so, this is a partly a no brainer on how to start reorganizing, rebuilding and securing the bedrock of the economy, before a complete meltdown. Give us bangs for our bailout bucks: America is getting a raw deal as it pumps $700bn into shoring up its banks, argues Joseph Stiglitz. (

If you have trouble finding it, in the search box type “declining foreign aid”. (article5594556.ece)

BTW: Check out International Bartering rules online in case you have no money, but plenty to trade for.

Posted in Economic Growth, Terrorism, U.S. Foreign Policy | Tagged: , | 4 Comments »

International Spy in the House of Love

Posted by N. A. Jones on June 27, 2009

Draft by Thomas Paine Frog and Pollix

New York Times reports that Russia wants to sign a Cyberspace treaty.

Perhaps it is true that what you post never leaves the net. I think someone found a document or two from the Kremlin  is publically accessible by anyone in the United States of America. Hmm. I wonder if anyone else caught on about how Google’s spider’s work into Microsoft email to harvest documents. I think I did. That is why I got a little more business like and prefer to talk in person. But if its spy language were talking, isn’t there a surveillance device everywhere? Just becareful when you save a document – that it saves as a word file and not a html file.

Oddity Aside: Did Afghanistan and Russia have a war in the past 15 years? Russia infiltrated througha nd eestablished a network throughto Iran? Possibly. I say this cause I think I heard President Obama say that Iran was a Communist country. That would more likely be China. But a Russian could pass for a Iranian muslim much easier I think. The meeting with Russia and China will be important I’m sure.

I think I read someones dreamlogs once and a detailed dream about North Korea came up. A rocket or missile or something pained with red and yellow colors. That would be more China’s color scheme I would think. But, in the dream the lauch went and the  missile fell over on the pad. The person thinks they were jarred awake so not to see and explosion. The other part of the dream watched a lauch during late dusk. The dreamer could see the outlines of the missile in the air. Black against a prussian blue/purple background.

Note: What China did to pull out of an economic crises was to move into communism. Wealth was reapportioned (Xref: Obama’s plans for a newtax structure). Families were pulled apart to reinvigorate from scratch the economy, food sources, travel, etcetera.  In the book Red Azalea teh main character was forced into a work camp on a farm. She was, I think, a writer. My subsequent question is where is the secret American Politburo? Is this why the attachment and stays in Communist countries when President Obama was young, play an important part in the future of the U.S.A. I’m almost positive.

There may have been a type of ideology taught in the church Obama left that was along the lines of Black Socialism. Check out Third World Press. You might find a hint or two of what is coming or in the least, a reworking of what already has come. There will be a permanent sense of indignation in him that will never leave. Maybe if he lets go of his inferiority complex and self-oppression as begot by a slave mentality. I say this because of his interjections and comments during press conferences. For instance, repeatedly pointing out that he is the President and you (we) are not. True you are, but there is a difference between “what I say goes” and “let me explain my conclusions to you and this is were I intend on directing us and the whole country”. Have courage and the integrity by virtue of the position. Take heart and not lead by charismatic motive, which is a failing grace of a leader who knows he is lacking. Go for what you know definitely, but you are not the only one at risk. Be a voice for the concerted opinion and know the dissent’s prinicples to your goals. Learn how to make a negotiated decision and be skilled enough to be afraid of your concluding words.

In Ecclesiates King Solomon, rather The Preacher points out that all is vanity. All the work we d under the sun will go to benfit those after us more than us. And they won’t care. It is a futile effort. I say this to keep in mind that the long term goals of reparing the economy and other issues must come with immediate and regular payoffs/benefits to get support. Becareful of the energy bill and your approach to environmental issues. Education is the best way to help someone to understand why to be or not to be on board. even when to not participate or recuse oneself from involvement or voting.

Pro-Choice is a difficult catch, but look at it this way: for instance a Catholic to be Pro-choice is a matter of drawing boundaries for themselves but also encourageing the best education about any subject that touches you, so that you may make a well informed decision. Not just with hard core facts, but also with your emotional self-knowledge. Awareness provides for better decisions. Awareness comes with progressive self education.

The best classrooms are never inside any school building.

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