The Underground Librarian

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Archive for the ‘Tip Jar’ Category

Tip Jar – Investments

Posted by N. A. Jones on March 6, 2017

A woman asked me to pass the state of my affairs to the public. Here goes: Doc gave me a Rx for a Tetnus and Whopping Cough Shot vaccination shot. Doc said kids in elementary and high school are getting the same shot. People who don’t have their shots cannot hold babies she said. So, if you are babysitting anybody, I encourage you to get the shot. I’m four days in since the injection and my limbs feel weak. Also, I am hungry and do not know what to eat. Nothing seems to last and I am desperate to eat fiber and protein instead of sweets almost every hour. Fast food tastes like air and I cook in fits throughout the week. Rest, water, 1000mg of Vitamin C before bed has been the best Rx. I cannot go  wring investing in my health. Today Tip Jar gets paid forward.

~Jain Sioux Anne Fellps


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Tip Jar: No Cost or Tariff

Posted by N. A. Jones on February 11, 2017

I am posting for someone’s sake, not my own. My ultimate hope is that others will find todays blog useful. Before I begin the matter , let me frame in a quote from friend, “You’re damn if you do, damned if you don’t.”

From friend I found out it is a common practice between mother-daughter, father-son, mother-son, and father-daughter to commit murders. The connection between the two, besides blood, is usually incest. My first objection to friend’s recounting was the fact that some kids never fight their way out of such an obsessive and co-dependent relationship. Well, maybe, they can’t at a young age. Still, why they would not try again to leave at an older age is beyond my understanding. Continuing, the murders happen at homeless shelters. Friend says shelters are a hot spot for that to happen. Between the culprits, one said they were competing against each other for the most damage done.

I never thought about what security was like at a homeless shelter. I presumed there was more to be aware by getting to know the people inside the building. With this in mind, I remember doing someone an injustice. After dropping him off at a shelter one afternoon, I told him he would be alright. This I proffered after asking him what was wrong. “I’m scared,” he clearly spoke. “You’ll be fine,” I retorted getting back in the car. I may have sounded crass but in my defense little did he know I was about to lose everything. I did not want to burden him with my subsequent crash and burn. Besides, if I had know he was homeless to begin with, conversation the night before would have been different. In the distance and aftermath, I am apologizing. I never glamourized life on the street for or through anyone. I never knew the dangers of living to the bone had another face to know.

Safety first, Health second, Tell third.

~W.H. Tespid ERT

BTW: I also heard women in secure shelters are getting stalked and harassed by lesbians. They are demanding to be taken care of and supported. Several murders from both points of view have also been committed by that method.

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Tip Jar Freebie (+)

Posted by N. A. Jones on February 5, 2017

I was told this one is too hot, but I’ll keep typing anyway. Toyota has a cadre of former employees trying to take over a row of certain towns in Texas. The former employees turned social activists are African American. I have also been told that they are all pedophiles. How they lost their jobs I do not know. I was told they refused to show up for work. Other pedophiles are also working for Toyota. This cadre of individuals are also known as pedophiles, but are white.

From what I gathered first hand is a residency game they are playing. They pay the mortgage at the home they bought, but they are seeking refuge in other parts of towns. Namely, they are trying to force themselves into a shadow residency in the poorer areas of all of the towns they live. Still, that is not the thick of it. These home owners, who are never in their official residence, also have a safe house in another county. The safe house is never spoken of, but when the home is needed they take refuge there so no one will ever find them.

I heard this. I did not personally witness the divulge. The source is involved and I choose to preserve a distance. I do not know the labor and HR perspective on this, but the regaling caught my attention enough to post.

~Jain Sioux Anne Fellps TAMU

~W.H. Tespid ERT

BTW: I just heard from the neighborhood kids. Apparently what is popular for parents is starting a microbrewery to pair with brothel services. Friend says there is a high and frequent fire risk associated with home brewery. Maybe the occasion calls for the fire department and possibly CPS.

If these type of tips are what surround the new moon and new year, I am afraid of what the full moon will yield. Until then I will be thinking methodically, watching steps, and quieting rage through March.

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Tip Jar $12.74 & Milk Money Report

Posted by N. A. Jones on February 1, 2017

Just got reminded that some parents are having their children go to school. The problem is that the supervising district expelled those children over a year ago. I did not know the implications until a few minutes ago. Namely inferring something like Columbine happening or worse. Part of the problem, I was told, lies with the local prostitutes. Namely most of them have been told the same about their own children not being allowed to enroll in the school district.

I do not know how this all fits together but:

  • A while back there was a rash of incest issues coming from prostitute’s families.
  • The city to drastic action on behalf of the town, those committing acts, and the children involved.
  • Talk about IDs for all the legally enrolled school children hit the street about ten minutes ago. Suggestions from photos along with names going as far as id numbers and fingerprints.
  • I heard about women screaming the issue up the highway to get to the superintendent and school district headquarters. That is over twenty miles away.

Something is coming. I do not know what. Either way, I’ll make an attempt t o post with a follow up.

~Adir Asueno


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Tip Jar est. $2.14

Posted by N. A. Jones on January 24, 2017

I got asked to post twice over, not to forget the added perspective from the inside:

If you are a black male mathematics teacher employed from kindergarten to university, you are a drug dealer. One of the explanations why stems from economics. According to these teachers, the poor kids need math, not the ones who have access to money. From my source, there was a hint of a “new math”, but I did not ask.

W.H. Tespid  ERT

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Tip Jar +$.37

Posted by N. A. Jones on January 22, 2017

News from a friend tells that there is no housing across the United States. Thousands are on a futile search everyday in hopes of even an efficiency to house four plus Fido. The so-called lucky who found housing over two hours away from work are losing there jobs. Why? Because they forget and have no time to groom themselves. Some arrive at work without of shower or clean clothes. At the edge of being lost in a seedy rate (distance over time) is forgetting to put gasoline in their vehicle. Coasting on empty some seventy miles away from everything is becoming standard fare. So are the dead bodies found in stranded cars along the highway.

This seems to harken to a domino effect, but I am not sure were the final tile will lay. Meanwhile, I am back to musing over poverty and food. There must be something out on the ether that I can source before returning to the kitchen to work over my fascinations. I am desperate to place herbs for another year. Hoping the Italian oregano will last through another year. It has been two already.

Patience, self-determination, and grace.

W.H.Tespid ERT

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Tip Jar (Investments)

Posted by N. A. Jones on January 10, 2017

I’m a little off when it comes to timing, but life calls all hours of the day leaving the nuances and crumbs to be picked up at the end of the hour.

A man’s voice asked me if I remembered an occasion over ten years old in my life. I didn’t throw up or pitch a fit. He knew that I was switching gears into survival mode and did not hesitate to mention a name. I reeled, but recovered. Apparently a large amount of marijuana is being moved around the town if not to forget the county.

So, I am feeling poverty’s call again and being welcomed in. “Hi (insert name here)! I just wanted to tell you welcome to poverty. I’m poor too. I have a couple of million in my house but I am poor. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Thus the lead and trap of a drug dealer. If I said I need help or welcomed his company, it would cost me money and probably blood.

Lastly was from a friend on the wind. Something is coming federally that may push people into isolation and self-defense. Friend says because of it, if I you are not dirty now, you will be. The crux, he warned, will be in loosing guardians. They will not be able to look after charges anymore.

So, I am busy getting back to planning and staying calm. This is more business I have had to handle in years. Organization is the first line of defense today.

W.H. Tespid ERT.

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Tip Jar

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 19, 2016

From the hip and a hearing aide:

“King of Glory” needs more money and more women.

In the original statement women was mentioned first and only.

Taking a risk….

Fluted Frog, E-squire

W.H. Tespid Emergency Rescue Technician in Training

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Tip Jar with a side of General Gossip

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 18, 2016

If you learn anything from me, remember to extrapolate and apply. Some small fact may draw light in a different direction from your intentions. As a result, you will no doubt see something that had continuously evaded you.

A friend told me a local spa is in the prostitution business as well. For the holiday month the place has become a favorite location for men to receive services. Personally speaking, I never knew men to frequent salons and spas until one Saturday I pulled up a seat across from the nail tech. At the station to the left was a long-haired man with nails longer than I’ve ever had since childhood. Still, I’m used to black men and their proverbial long nailed pinky, but this through me from a loop. I need not mention thoughts of female impersonators. I thought this town was not the type to have a gayborhood complete with a performance room and regular shows on the cusp of midnight late Friday night. Possiblities exist, you never know where you live.Not even when you are on the edge of homeless looking for food the wee Easter morning before walking to church. Sorry, I digress. Men are frequenting this salon during the day and meet at another location come night to be given a hand job.

Over the last ten years I’ve been learning perspectives of several professions and their clientle. This was not a choice, but a means to survival. Seems I sat too high in my seat for years. Illegal occasions skipped my sight line for the sake that I never knew what I was looking at. With new glasses and new shoes, I find my street education is always in play.

So, the last thing I leave with you on this cold late afternoon a clear handful of days before holiday is that what I thought for over twenty years was not real. My conception of prostitution was filled with expectations of sex and eroticism since high school. Television and books ranging from the v-chip to Harlequin Romances led to presuming that prostitution was full of heterosexual play and male dominance for all occasions. For this year I know that even clean heterosexual prostitution leads to homosexual prostitution and an eventual existence in pedophilic circles. The type I thought was tall women with model like grace is really a morbidly obese female who is bald-headed and donned in sweat shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes. I remember a bit about the brothels in India where women have to shear their hair. I also remember from the Holy Bible that a woman’s hair is her glory. Because of this model, every bit of womanhood is stripped away. What also falls is any forbidden belief that women can enjoy sex. Being reduced to a hole with cellulite wrapped legs from hip to knee is a carefully guised dehumanism. I heard around corners and in the dark of night that these women not longer have a vagina, nor a uterus, nor a clitoris. The fungus that develops in the body core may be happenstance of and infection resulting from stuffing books, cloth, and vibrating dildos endlessly into the cavity. These are the same women who were confirmed in finding a husband through prostitution in 2008. Not to forget that marraige was the main attraction point for the pimps in one of my old neighborhoods.

I am told prostitutes are stronger than me. I am willing to concede to the righteousness of certain psychosis and not willing to fight the point. I stay. I observe. I wait.I get assaulted. I fume later. Guess I am still a feminist after all. The point before I was born was health care. Still is.

Listeneing carefully last night, I heard that prostitutes have to carry papers these days. In the middle of the night I had flashes and uncomfortable stomach pain for what I remembered about World War II. Temperament also told me that after prostitutes make so much and buy/end their contract with their cartels, they have to leave. Moving over 500 miles away and restarting their lives occurs with no one to help them. Also, keeping their papers is mandatory. Despite the new start, they frequently get sucked into another sex cartel and become prostitute again. Filling that contract they are told to move again or go back to where they started.

Temperament also spoke that many of the prostitutes who only have anal sex have collapsed colons and a myriad of lesions. Last night they bragged about being rich, especially at no sacrifice. It was all gain in their mind. Last night’s consolation of poverty was being told there is no surgery to repair the damage. Someone will have to pull feces from their rear ends for the rest of their lives or they risk  death through fecal poisoning. The health not for me was that colon cleansing sometimes causes the same problem.

Soap Box in storage. Totally from the hip.

~W.H. Tespid ERT


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Tip Jar

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 8, 2016

I’m late with this. Mostly because I was in total disbelief and mired in the unfamiliar. Comes with the territory I guess. Most bank jobs pulled these days are orchestrated from the inside. From the source it is apparently a lesbian thing.

The other cap to my source was that lesbians are getting tired of shopping. Some are harassing crafters and artists for supplies and patterns despite the fact they have money to buy their own.

On the flipside, some women, namely lesbians, are giving up their housing and marching on principle that their is no housing for lesbians. They are seeking new arrangements and confidences to be given to them gratis. What was said was they are looking for what they can get for free and what they can get for harassment and guilty liberal’s sake.

~Fluted Frog, Esq.

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Tip Jar

Posted by N. A. Jones on November 23, 2016


Just heard the only thing on the street from prostitutes coast to coast is anal sex.

-W.H. Tespid ERT

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Puzzle and Piece

Posted by N. A. Jones on November 2, 2016

Just heard something happened in Kansas. I do not know what and the grumbling has fairly stopped. There are people on their way now.

Something about New Hampshire bubbling as well.

Check the news and your computer security.

W.H. Tespid ERT

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Overdue Items

Posted by N. A. Jones on October 22, 2016

This landed in my lap about a night or two ago. I’m holding a pattern in disbelief, but I’ll post anyway. Day is fairly bright even outside direct sunlight. Shadows distort depth.

I was told that white supremacists are researching diseases and feigning symptoms from old medicine tracts. The diseases they act out in front of a doctor are normally treated with methamphetamines. In cases around the county I live in, the performance in the viewing room is made of explanations, crying, and pleading. The solution to there ills is known to be similar to what is sold on the street as Coca-Cola Meth. The prescription gets written and the patient is off to the pharmacist where it is possibly filled under duress. The script gets filled and later sold on the street.

My source was brief, but I might be in luck within the month with more.

~W.H. Tespid ERT

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Tipjar Southwest

Posted by N. A. Jones on April 2, 2016

Pangeli? Pantelly? Forgive me. I tried to commit the name to memory and I have almost lost it completely. The long and short of it is they are a domestic terrorist group from what I heard. The frequent between Texas and Oklahoma and may dwell in both. I do not know how reliable this information is, by I am taking a guess it holds a bit of weight. Marijuana trafficking was mentioned before and after the name.

Takin’ a chance on my ears,

W.H. Tespid

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Tip Jar: $.75

Posted by N. A. Jones on November 3, 2015

Forgive me. I get told certain things and forget to post. The problem is I either get told not to write it down or I do not have anything to write it down. So today’s adventure was Wal-Mart. The biggest task, I thought, was getting through rude people while shopping. The hidden task seemed to be making it past the older crowd of women. A voice told me twice on two different occasions that daytime at Wal-Mart is for picking up older women. Nighttime, on the other hand is for older men. Being clueless this long, I thought I could make it through. The first time after I was told the cold, I ignored everything. I seemed to be unscathed. This time was different. I got harassed for not picking up on clue and queues to the point that reality shifted. I forgot why I was there.

Meanwhile, I’m in my workroom today decompressing and memories pop-up:

  1. “Even the sleeping pills in Wal-Mart can’t sleep”
  2. 2. “Where are all these people coming from in Wal-Mart?” There seemed to be more people on staff at certain times than people shopping. Years later I heard there was a theft ring operating out of the back door of the store.
  3. 3.Gay women were running a prostitution ring using the back of the store and the customer’s bathroom.
  4. 4.There is a code for using the women’s bathroom. The first two stalls and the disabled stall are for prostitution. The third stall if there is one, is for normal use. On occasion when I used the bathroom there, no one cleaned the bathroom. I am putting it delicately. In the past year that has changed and I am thankful. Still, I’m reticent to use much there with the previous points in mind. I can not remember which stalls are “reserved” for drug deals and I am not going to speculate.

Meanwhile, I can not give you a source nor cite experience. All in all it is what I heard, so use the information wisely.

W.H. Tespid ERT

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