The Underground Librarian

What cats do before meeting curiosity sellers….

Archive for the ‘The Daily Bath’ Category

Rare birds in Bamboo

Posted by N. A. Jones on January 17, 2014

Just in:

1. Prostitution classes resume tonight. Not just in Texas but also in other states. Chancing in my head the whole country, but wonder what kinda of financial calendar they keep. I do not think it runs with the solar year, but something more primary to run ahead of classes and vetting incoming recruits. Putting it altogether tonight you get trained in the most ghetto way I can put it, i.e. gang raped, but they do not necessarily know each other. Just remember even this comes with a charge if you decide to change your mind and bolt. After that is learning the trick of the trade. How does the lonely wife make her trade these days?

Forgot something. The town crier passed by the house several times telling me I better be in classes on the 30th or 31st of this month. I can not recall exactly. I was told several times in the past three years that I was too old to be a prostitute. This on the heel of threats and intimidation to prostitute. So my only guess is the session for later this month is for older women.

2. Many a house available out in the remote country side. Apparently the view also comes with dead bodies. Why is the air conditioning on in the middle of a cold front in January?

3. It seems like the new faces of Burt Reynolds and Dolly Parton are making a come back in the 2014 version of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. The operation may have moved out of the city, but it seems the risks are higher. Not to be rude, but city folk don’t know what to do when out of their element. I think about pulling into Sonic out in the middle of nowhere for dinner a few years ago. I order as a truck pulled in. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a young woman draping herself over the young man in the seat. I said nothing pulling my truck out as she belted, “why won’t she say anything to me?”. “Maybe because your a prostitute,” he retorted. I felt a tad bit scared for her sake and knew there was no good end to it. Still what do you say as a gentle but helpful warning? I read to much about girls and boys who where molested at an early age ending up as prostitutes when older. I don’t want to be a walking encyclopedia, I do want to help, and I want to stay alive by not getting involved. Everybody’s situation is different I guess. Statistics exist, so maybe not.

4. I randomly hear that Herpes is prevalent where I am at. I don’t know what strain. Just hear references to that and syphillis. Outbreak? Don’t know. Just seems people are passing back and forth with great carelessness in the prostitution business.

5. Stay aware and alive.

W.H. Tespid ERT

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The Daily Bath: In Memoriam…

Posted by N. A. Jones on January 21, 2012

Well, It’s about time I give up the dibs. Not necessarily names or numbers but instead a few more truths into the creation of KTFUPR. This bit is not so much about Kermit but more about the life I was leading up to the point of inception. Also a small homage to a few friends, one of whom passed away last Saturday in her sleep. Some say it was low blood sugar, but remembering her addictions, I have to wonder. D& S. were married quite a while and adopted me into their small family as a matter of emotion and closeness. It was during a time I needed support from sources other than family. Mainly because family was not able to cope with my distance and illness. Having a second mom and dad came in handy.

There was a point when I was delving back into an assortment of investigations and brainstorming how I could help and the who to contact. Not on assignment mind you but purely freelance. I was perceiving to be in the middle of an assortment of things between the underground office and the public desk. Also I was carrying a lot of baggage and knowledge from the previous assignment. People were starting to pop up in my life and the visitations of others left me rattled. Needless to say when I finally opened up to D&S low and behold I was sitting in the midst of two former detectives. One of which worked for the Pinkerton Agency. Needless to say I was floored. I listened in detail to their stories of transporting cash and surveiling retail establishments. They were so calm and gentle, I never would have guessed they carried guns.

From what I guessed they always seemed to be in the loop still. I could never get it out of D. if he was a Mason or not. But his allusion and referenced helped me to make up my mind. One day I arrived for dinner and D. and his soon to be son in law began talking about spiders. I kept my mouth shut. I was working on something and fleshing it out. Then I was told  that a spider tatoo in the prisons meant you killed a cop or a judge. I tried to keep from blurting anything else out. Lastly the theme of the evening rolled to the spider as a vehicle. A particular truck if I am correct. The timing and gesture always let me know that I had help if I need it. And no matter how quiet I was, someone always heard something. After that day, the information and tidbits seemed to pour out of the two of them. I was glad and honored to feel included in what might have been men’s business for the day.

D passed over a year ago and S this past week. Contact has been severed between the family and I for reasons they do not want to explain. I’m comfortable with it. I remember that my parents friends are not necessarily my friends and so goes it with their surviving children.

Prayer and Thanksgiving will put the anguish to rest and the memories at easier recall.

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Point Post: Algiers.2

Posted by N. A. Jones on August 30, 2010


Iran, Iraq to settle remaining issues
Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:37PM
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Iran’s new Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Danaifard
Iran’s new ambassador to Iraq says high on his agenda is to settle the remaining issues in mutual relations such as the Algiers Accord and common oil fields.

“Among the most significant issues on the agenda …are to … settle the remaining cases from the past such as the 1975 (Algiers) Accord , common oil fields and the like, …to upgrade the current level of ties and institutionalize them by creating the necessary understanding and signing relevant agreements between the two sides,” Hassan Danaifar was quoted by the Mehr News Agency as saying on Sunday.

He said among other top-priority plans are to “remove the existing misunderstandings and get a clear and precise understanding by both sides of the current situation, especially in Iraq.”

The top envoy also underlined the need to increase the number of meetings between officials of both countries.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iran’s new ambassador to Iraq stressed the need to enhance Tehran-Baghdad relations on different fronts, namely politics, economy, security, technology and tourism.

The top Iranian envoy further said the case is still open on the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO).

He expressed hope more MKO members will defect to Iran and return to the bosoms of their families.

“Both sides are working on the (MKO) case, and we will be witnessing positive developments in that regard,” said Danaifard.

He further underlined Iraq is taking the ‘tough test of democracy’ now.

“Five years on since the election results were announced, the premiership question in the country remains unsolved, which affects a whole lot of domestic and social issues as well,” he said.

The ambassador expressed hope a cabinet will be formed in Iraq as soon as possible.


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Point Post: Algeria

Posted by N. A. Jones on August 30, 2010

Algerian forces kill 8 al-Qaida insurgents

(AP) – 15 hours ago

ALGIERS, Algeria — Algerian forces have killed eight al-Qaida insurgents in an attack in a mountainous area considered a bastion for the terror network’s North African branch.

A leader of the Patriots, armed civilians working with the army, says one soldier died during the clashes in the Berrekmouche valley, 75 miles (120 kilometers) east of Algiers. The Patriot spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to comment about the operation.

He says the killings occurred Saturday and the sweep, which began with helicopter bombardments, continued Sunday.

The area in the mountainous Kabyle region is considered a haven for al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. Residents of Beni-Yenni village alerted authorities after insurgents sought food there.

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The Daily Bath

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 11, 2009

I had a dream…

More like a daymare whim.

Me, you and Jaime sittin on the back fence of some farm. Pitchin flat stones into a watery ditch. Me, wonderin if you did mention something chemical or was it another subliminal thought escaping from his lips… and yours.

Seems like the CIA is going to be busy this holiday season considering the bill that got passed today boosting regulations to catch us before we fall again. If I remember correctly their focus is the treasury and the president. Some citizens are angry about AIG, Goldman Sach, Lehman Brothers, etcetera getting bail out money and lavishly spending it on employees. Considering the dark shroud of mystery and stealth around the CIA, I’m sure all the green has digits and trackers both ink and virtual. It’ll get paid back one way or another.

Got a tip today and shared the boon with my boss over a meal. It felt good to share. Passing second grade on a regular basis like this could be fun. Hmm.. got me thinking.. Share a meal with a stranger once a month or at least once a year. At least someone who *really* does not know you. Conversation and kindness.

I’m going to bed dirty and that is that.

BTW: Princess and the Frog is a great movie. Read the Western European folktale first before you see it. The long version. If you are from Louisiana or know what an octoroon or know what HooDoo is vs. Voodun or if you know what food does to a long longing heart, go see it.

Fluted Frog, Esq.

Folding Towels and calculating the height and depth of the dirt ring I’ll leave in the tub tomorrow….

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The Daily Bath (Early Edition)

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 10, 2009

MIR(Mosaic Intelligence Report) Obama’s Surge – The Real Reason

Link TV’s producer of Mosaic: World News in the Middle East, Jamal Dajani gives his insights on what’s really happening in the current crisis. Drawing on reports from 28 Middle Eastern news broadcasts, this Mosaic Intelligence Report provides context, analysis and a behind the scenes look at the story you never see on American TV.

Frosty weather> Frozen pipes? nope.. Kink in the line and hot water is a precious commodity in the winter time.  I’m resorting to boiling water on the stove and pouring it into the tub. Yes it does feel like the 1800’s lately, except that British colonization hasn’t set root but I see the UK and U.S. are having similar exit strategies out of Afghanistan. It is the end of the rope for Afghanistan’s aid and you wonder if anyone there has taken a hint. My understanding of Karzai and his brother running the country has me seeking to delve into 1,001 entertainment for stories about brothers. It is a fairy tale of sorts from the underground up that would make the American Mob notice, just guessing. Little Karzai and his brother probably ran the neighborhood street where he grew up. Now Karzai is in the seat of power in the public view and his brother runs the underworld.

“It’s a family affair…”

MIR: Taliban – If you can’t beat them, Buy Them

“If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”

Considering all the trouble the Taliban has caused and their control/influence over the Afghanistan public, the best strategy I muse is to join them. Look at it this way. Flood them with recruits. The recruits will get trained and eventually the whole country would be swept up in the storm. Keep in mind the real way to change a machine is to change the parts from the inside out. Then it becomes a new machine. With the flooding of member , those in power in the Taliban may have no option but to manage the needs of everyone involved. Sooner or later they get elected to state offices and the whole country adjusts in line to maintain stability. Sooner or later those in power are removed by excellent but quiet infiltration. By putting them in power, they have no choice but to provide for the general welfare of Afghanistan. Also they get a crack at what they may have always wanted to do.

Personally indefensible musings. Take them with a heaping tablespoon of bath salts

W.H. Tespid, ERT

Sleeping in the tub…

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The Daily Bath

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 9, 2009

You know? Some people. And you know what, we are are “some people” sooner or later.

I was at an accident scene today. Three cars smashed end to end on the access road to the highway. If I hadn’t listened to that voice in my head an gone to the bank. It might have been me. I am thankful that it was not for yet another time in my life. I have a habit of missing car accidents by minutes if they are not happening in front of me. The only reason I miss impact is because by the mandates standards, I am late.

Still, I pulled over instead of pulling up on the grass, I know better now. Not that someone rammed into me from behind. A man helped one of the accident victim out of the car to the curb. I staid with her till the paramedics came. During the whole time I couldn’t help but get angry at other people while I consoled her tears and coached her not to be afraid to get back behind the wheel in a few weeks. One of the other victim was very beautiful by some men’s standards and very fashionably dressed in her knee high buckled leather boots. Did I mention she was bleeding. It started flowing after her hysteria calmed down. The woman I consoled was larger and was more in a quiet type of shock than hysterics. Every one who stopped went to her the pretty one. Every single man and one older woman. Meanwhile I sat and quietly talked with the other who had abdominal and chest bruising. I tried asking a African American man to use his telephone after the pretty one was finished. He either ignored me or didn’t hear. I’m still pissed. A state worker made a call for what I took as my charge. Gracious Thanks to her. It would have been too easy to be a thief or a skirt molesting ambulance chaser today. Strange feeling like an observer more and more each day. I guess that is what happens to good librarian/historians.

Oddly I expected everything to still be there, fixed in time as it where. I understand an essence of “Happenings”
now. That was a art movement from the 70’s. A different facet of staging comes to mind. Hmm.. an inkling of fascination. I’ll figure it out and diversions.


Underground – brainstorming definition: Not apparent to the comon eye. Removed from its cultured habitat for safety reasons. Communications shut off and not able to be receptive or active to obvious interactions. Secured in the foundation and inception of an argument or belief. Limited access to common reality; can not go up, but can laterally move or downward mine for cultural and social interaction. Information flow couched in unfamiliar terms and language held by a small group compared to the general population.

Underworld – brainstorming definition: Underground societies. High implications of illegal activity. Q: Underground or Underworld by choice, habit, necessity or birth? A self-sustaining culture all of its own creation and practice.

Turning up the hot water tap,

W.H.Tespid, Emergency Rescue Technician

Need to find another EMT book to study….had to give up the other…

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The Daily Bath (Early Edition)

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 8, 2009

Well, if I remember correctly. The background of a serial killer starts with animal mutilation , then animal slaughtering at an early age. They then graduate to stalking to build up courage then murder. Vaguely in the back of my head is a morbid joke about ecoterrorist and the AETA4 fundraising CD “Empty Cages, Empty Cells”. Something  about symbolic transferrance of emotion to animals in a cage. Fear of permanent incarceration?

What is really creepy about the whole thing is the insistence to use the “cuteness” of animals to disuade the argmuents and evidence of carnage, abuse and endangerment. “Save the Males” used to be a rallying call in college. Mabye by ecoterrorism standards, humans need to be put on the endangered species list as well. We tend to harm ourselves indirectly too much as it is. So could argue the climatologists…

Do ye no harm, that includes yourself.

Incoherent Musings and a warm wet wash cloth,

W.H. Tespid

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The Daily Bath

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 7, 2009

To be brutally honest, I’m sick of CNN.

Then I changed the channel and watch HLN for a little while. Then I realized I missed CNN. The personalities or should I say characters of the anchor is a little more entertaining. Maybe its the orator in me getting critical like Diogenes with a mouth full of marbles. I listened to a few of the female anchors on HLN and was repulsed at their diction. She might as well have been on the corner slinging slang with a few passersby. It became hard to concentrate on what I was doing with my hands. With stations like that it is about the news isn’t it? Not the anchor or speaker. They are just conduits. A clip of the climate summit had a man speaking. I was amazed and became every attentive because of his delivery, tone and diction. It was not “A Fish Called Wanda” moment with John Cleese speaking in various dialects make Jamie Curtis climb the walls with erotic pleasure. It was, well, a good wake up call to pay attention to the station anchors. Needless to say I changed the station back to CNN.

I must have been sick of pulp news fiction:  Tiger Woods, the conviction in Italy and climategate. Maybe the American public is not that interested in world affair. Thus and so I read and glean the net. Oh yeah.. Nobody reads anymore . Guess I’m an antiquarian too. I just can seem to understand how TMZ runs and owns CNN. Not that its true. It just tabloid journalism seem to be the current trend in writing, style, delivery and advertisement. The one who advertises the most is the best? Are you sure? 

On another topic, why is it that President Obama is showing one face to the american public and another to foreign nations? What I am finding on the net as I research is painting a very different picture of what some would like to tout. Maybe I’m just full of hackles and feathers, but he coaches Congress, piecemeals,smiles and nods the public and begs foreign ministers. I figured the century was over for trying to be the new house nigger as a contemporary professional. Keep the field hands happy by throwing them a little meat and tell them what you think the big man is doing. Just keep them from running and destroying things. If they destroy it just reconstruct it green-wise.  Keep the house hand in order by patting them on the back and tell them they are doing a good job. Just keep them out of the way of your business. Meanwhile, since “they’s all lazy negros anyway” go beg for money from the next manufacturing nation to get by.

Can’t please everybody Mr. President. I still say. 2 % of people like you, 1% hate you, 97% don’t give a damn. Don’t worry about it and get to the hard work. Reconstruction done moved North…..and that news is late.

W.H. Tespid requesting an APB for Rubber Ducky

over and out

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Agape oet Philos

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 7, 2009


My greatest concern is that she is arguing with you late into the night to throw your natural clock off.

Your timing will be off when you need it the most. Drama high or low will embroil you and make you forget the thing you can’t say the most. The thing that is your second priority. Your first being to continue to breathe.


“Moneypenny”, a temporary misnomer when playing Let’s Pretend.

Still making making silly late into the morning.

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The Daily Bath

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 6, 2009

Coming clean on the matter….

Re: Primer 3: Sindicato Mexicano de Electricisdad

Think in term of the U.S.A.’s economy and energy being the prime drive of Obama’s green rhetoric. The last two winters had everybody clamouring for bank loans to pay the electricity bills. I doubt if many heed the call to insulate the home and learn to wear more sweaters and socks from November to March. When you finally hear from your local news that the current electricity grid can not support the current need, maybe you’ll start looking at electricians and public utility workers a little cockeyed and swear they are the enemy. I saw mentioned in an article that this is the type of powder keg situation that is expected in the U.S.A. before spring, I am estimating. Read and take a good look. The same socialist slant is the undertone in what President Obama drives in his persuasions.

The dearth, destruction and reorganization of the middle class has us all leaning on expert trade jobs to fuel some of the economy.  Core labour is what it is and what better cross-section of the American public to turn the affairs of domestic state on its head than those who are carrying all the weight.

This is W.H. Tespid passing the Mr. Bubble.

over and out…

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