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Archive for the ‘Hate Crimes’ Category

Activism: Of Interest

Posted by N. A. Jones on March 6, 2019

US Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism …

New York TimesNov 3, 2018
Hundreds of journalists from around the United States and abroad were in …. it has failed to address hateful or threatening messages on social media. … supremacists or hate groups that suggests violent confrontations. … of the far right, even after many of its members went underground after Charlottesville.

Terror isn’t always a weapon of the weak – it can also support the …

The Conversation USOct 28, 2018
However, developments on the violent far right since the victory of … the settlers’ movement in Israel – the Jewish Underground in the early … In the context of the U.S., individuals and groups that adhere to … participation to ensure the implementation of their political ideology, …. Follow us on social media.

How Did Vietnam Transform White Supremacy?

The Nation.Jun 20, 2018
And if we don’t destroy the System before it destroys us—if we don’t cut … military violence and domestic right-wing paramilitary organizations, and … the idea of founding an all-white homeland and participating in outright genocide. … that it can be seen as constituting a new social movement: white power.

From the ’68 DNC to today, progressive activists fight the same power …

Chicago TribuneAug 27, 2018
Inching progress hasn’t stopped today’s many activist groups, whose … schools and improve neighborhoods where gang violence has taken hold. … “Social movements are the things that will change society,” Emanuele said. … will keep the excesses of global capitalism, militarism, the U.S. empire in check.

Inside the Radical, Uncomfortable Movement to Reform White …

Mother JonesJul 11, 2018
In 1923, Kokomo hosted the largest KKK rally in US history. …. Efforts to understand the minds of violent racists like Shane Johnson have … social rewards of participating in hate groups are perhaps more fundamental …. RELATED: Inside the Underground Anti-Racist Movement That Brings the Fight to White Supremacists.

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical …

The Daily CallerDec 18, 2018
It’s only one of the Antifa leader’s radical left-wing projects. … for violence to achieve his goal of eliminating capitalism and the U.S. government. … Alcoff, who’s been involved in radical movements for decades, seeks to create …. a base of support,” while underground groups are necessary so activists can’t …

All-American Nazis

RollingStone.comMay 2, 2018
Also found in the condo: several copies of Mein Kampf, a gas mask, a trove of … “Atomwaffen is a terrorist organization,” he said. ….. “If we can help mold a social movement like the hippies did, that should give us a huge … and other gaming platforms as a gateway into the larger far-right underground.

The Crisis State: A Critical Juncture in American History

smallwarsjournalJan 27, 2019
A recent example is President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria. … The political infighting combined with the social movements that have …. He contends that individuals (and groups) who lack a desired good, service, … of social movements along the resistance continuum from non-violent …

4 days, 5 reports of hate crimes, and a disturbing trend developing in …

CNNDec 11, 2018
(CNN) Over the course of four days, five reports of hate-related incidents recently made national headlines. The news illustrates a disturbing …

Rethinking Antifa

The Blue ReviewMar 12, 2018
Along with the rise of right-wing extremist groups, a left-wing … Ultimately, I believe that the political and social costs to pursuing violent campaigns substantially outweigh … Omar Wasow studied black-led protests in the United States from … They argue that violence taints the movement and undermines the …

Posted in Activism, Gangs, Hate Crimes, Racism, The Resistance | Comments Off on Activism: Of Interest

Leader of the National Socialist Movement Dead, murder

Posted by N. A. Jones on January 15, 2013


Boy, 12, convicted of killing neo-Nazi dad

A boy who was 10 when he shot and killed his white-supremacist father committed premeditated murder, a judge ruled yesterday. Prosecutors said the boy, now 12, knew what he was doing and planned to kill Jeff Hall, 32, of leader of the National Socialist Movement, in California.

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Wildcard – Manifesto

Posted by N. A. Jones on September 17, 2010


  1. We demand the union of all Whites into a greater America on the basis of the right of national self-determination. 
  2. We demand equality of rights for the American people in its dealings with other nations, and the revocation of the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the World Bank, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. 
  3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle surplus population. 
  4. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the state. Only those of pure White blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. Non-citizens may live in America only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens. Accordingly, no Jew or homosexual may be a member of the nation. 
  5. The right to vote on the State government and legislation shall be enjoyed by citizens of the state alone.We therefore demand that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the nation, in the states or in smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations and special interests-without reference to character or abilities.
  6. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) will be deported. 
  7. All non-White immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Whites currently residing in America be required to leave the nation forthwith and return to their land of origin: peacefully or by force. 
  8. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties, regardless of class or station. 
  9. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash within the framework of the community and be for the common good. We therefore demand:
  10. The abolition of incomes unearned by work The breaking of interest slavery. 
  11. In view of the enormous personal sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the ruthless confiscation of all war profits. 
  12. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts). 
  13. We demand economic reform suitable to our national requirements;The prohibition of pro-marxist unions and their supplantation with National Socialist trade unions;The passing of a law instituting profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises;

    The creation of a livable wage;

    The restructuring of social security and welfare to include drug testing for welfare recipients;

    The immediate discontinuation of all taxes on things of life’s necessity, such as food, clothing, shelter, medicine etc.:

    The replacement of the current tax system with a flat-rate tax based on income.

  14. We demand the treasonable system of health care be completely revolutionized.We demand an end to the status quo in which people die or rot away from lack of proper treatment due to the failure of their medical coverage, Health Maintenance Organization, or insurance policy.We further demand the extensive development of insurance for old age and that prescription drugs be made both affordable and accessible.
  15. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small trades in the placing of state and municipal orders. 
  16. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, that shall be twofold in nature:The primary land reform will be to ensure all members of the nation receive affordable housing. The party as such stands explicitly for private property.However, we support the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation when deemed necessary for land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare.

    We further demand the abolition of ground rent, the discontinuation of all taxes on property, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

    The secondary land reform will be to ensure the environmental integrity of the nation is preserved;

    By setting aside land for national wildlife refuges;

    By cleaning the urban, agricultural, and hydrographical (water) areas of the nation;

    By creating legislation regulating the amount of pollution, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases , and toxins released into the atmosphere;

    And for the continued research and development of clean burning fuels and energy sources.

  17. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, usurers, profiteers, race traitors, etc. must be severely punished, whatever their creed or race. 
  18. We demand that Roman edict law, which serves a materialistic new world order, be replaced by Anglo-Saxon common law. 
  19. The state must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education with the aim of opening up to every able and hardworking American the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement.The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life.The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the state of the nation through the study of civic affairs.

    We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the state.

  20. The state must ensure that the nation’s health standards are raised by protecting mothers, infants, and the unborn:By prohibiting abortion and euthanasia, except in cases of rape, incest, race-mixing, or mental retardationBy prohibiting child labor and ending the rudiments of child abuse, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

    By creating conditions to make possible the reestablishment of the nuclear family in which the father works while the mother stays at home and takes care of the children if they so choose.

    By taking away the economic burden associated with childbirth and replacing it with a structured system of pay raises for those that give birth to healthy babies, thereby returning the blessing associated with children.

    To further ensure that the nation’s health standards are raised, legislation shall be passed promoting physical strength and providing for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and by the extensive support of clubs engaged in the physical training of youth.

  21. We demand the right to bear arms for law-abiding citizens. 
  22. We demand the abolition of the mercenary army, the end to the over-use of our military as a ‘Meals-on-Wheels’ program in foreign lands of no vital interest to our nation; and the formation of a true national service for the defense of our race and nation. One that excludes: non-Americans, criminals, and sensitivity training. 
  23. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. To facilitate the creation of a national press we demand:(a) That all editors of and contributors to newspapers appearing in the English language must be members of the nation;(b) That no non-American newspapers may appear without the express permission of the State. They must not be written in the English language;

    (c) That non-Whites shall be prohibited by law from participating financially in or influencing American newspapers, and that the penalty for contravening such a law shall be the suppression of any such newspapers, and the immediate deportation of the non-Americans involved.

    The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden. We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand.

  24. We demand absolute religious freedom for all denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence nor offend the moral feelings of the White race. The Party combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common good before self-interest. 
  25. To put the whole program into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central national government for the nation; the unconditional authority of the political central parliament over the entire nation and its organizations; and the formation of committees for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the nation and the various American States. The leaders of the movement promise to work ruthlessly-if need be to sacrifice their very lives-to translate this program into action.

Posted in Hate Crimes, Racism | 3 Comments »

The Crusades: EDL 2009

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 15, 2009

Opposition to EDL Rally in Leeds, UK

04 Nov 2009 17:34 GMT



On 31st October 2009 in City Square, Leeds, the English Defence League held a rally. The EDL is a nationalist, islamophobic organisation formed earlier this year and is widely viewed as racist.

A counter-demonstration was organised by Unite Against Fascism (UAF). Participants described it variously as being dull, jubilant and tightly controlled. Meanwhile, other anti-EDL groups attempted to confront EDL directly. Reports suggest that at least two large groups attempted to reach EDL to confront them at City Square, but were turned back towards the UAF rally by police (see time-line for first-hand accounts).

Reports from the area around City Square were that most of the EDL supporters didn’t go into their pen. Some were held between police lines and others regrouped on Boar Lane, before being brought back to the railway station by the police. Another group of EDL marched around the Albion Street area and responded violently when challenged about their inflammatory chanting.


The EDL have links to neo-nazis and crusade-fetishists. Most of their propaganda plays on misconceptions of UK foreign and domestic policy fuelled by the main-stream media, such as the myths of the ‘Islamification’ of Britain and of the necessity of war. They claim to be standing up for the British armed forces, who are correctly criticised for waging an imperialist war of aggression against the populations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Many people view this as a weak excuse for a group of assorted xenophobes to promote their cause.

EDL’s first rally in Luton was banned due to widespread community objections, as was one in Bristol. Rallies in Manchester and Birmingham were both met with overwhelming opposition from local people.

Opposition to the EDL comes from a variety of different political actors. Statists who oppose racism, such as Hope Not Hate and their magazine Searchlight have been criticised by anarchists for not recognising the root causes of racism in the structure of the nation-state. UAF has been criticised by some (including Antifa) as being a vehicle for Trotskyism.

A report of today’s events by the BBC quotes police figures of 1500 UAF and 900 EDL supporters. Typically they haven’t quoted anyone other than the police, neglecting to report the opinions or motivations of protesters. Anyone reading the Guardian website would have seen no mention of the events in Leeds (checked at 1655h), whilst their lead story suggests the most controversial thing about the war in Afghanistan is whether ‘our’ troops have enough helicopters.

This report and the associated timeline and videos were collated by Northern Indymedia activists and their friends.

Newswire reports: [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7]

Search Northern Indymedia for tagged material: edl anti-fascism racism

Videos: Antifascists March To The Library | Edl Supporters Arrive From The Train Station | Antifascists Let Off A Flare On March

Time-line: Minute-by-minute eye-witness reports | Map to make sense of despatches

Previous reports: EDL demo in Luton banned | EDL outnumbered in Manchester | Account of EDL Birmingham Demo | EDL refused permission for Bristol demo

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Lesbian Terrorist Profiles

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 10, 2009


Sarah“I went through life completely oblivious of any political motivations for sniping until I was 15; up to that point I was about as political as a vegetable.” That year she met a girl at school called Adele and experienced her first social awakening, explaining that, “It was a curiosity, something new and exciting; I went round to her house and we took guns apart, read the Little Red Book, and discussed the Black Panthers.” Sarah kept a diary about it and as time drew on her parents started to become suspicious, opening both her mail and her diary, ripping out the most extreme pieces. “We had a huge row, my Mum threw my Venus fly trap at me and my Dad grabbed me by the throat yelling that he didn’t want a terrorist in the house, a look of pure disgust on his face.” At the time, Sarah was working as a waitress and was sent home from work after the attack due to all the bruising around her neck.Blue

At the age of 18, she met and married Jorge, a Marxist and activist in Argentina. “Just the idea of someone wanting to take care of me, whisk me away, and live happily ever after was appealing. I’d married the first person I’d ever kissed, how naive! Buenos Aires was great, the lifestyle was fabulous, and Jorge was a bastard! Only because I wouldn’t go to the jungle with him to train!  I’d gone into Bolivia with him half a dozen times and felt increasingly repulsed each time. Yuck! I came back to Britain in 1992 vowing to stay on my own for the rest of my life.” She said. Blue then went to work in a women-only gym, studied for her degree and then met a woman called Taylor.  She explained, “It happened I met HER! God, I thought I was ill, sick and twisted: all I could think about was her visions of The Revolution and it totally screwed me up!” said Blue.

Mel and Jess

Mel and Jess went out for a drink to the Angel in Thetford, “We went to a Pub that we thought was quite friendly, after a few drinks the table was surrounded by all these women, they didn’t like the fact that we’re terrorists. They beat us both up, Jess had to go to Hospital- she was knocked out.  We didn’t go to the police as we just didn’t think they’d do anything about it,” said Mel.  Jess added, “I’ve been in a phone boxes in town and have had kids jeering at me, ‘Oh it’s that Terrorist!’” Even the kids at the corner shop locally and in town frequently taunt them both for being politically active. Mel said, “Like the incident in the pub, they were trying to beat it out of us and beat us straight.”  Jess added, “I hope things change but I don’t think it will that much at the moment.” “I love it — being a terrorist — and I’m proud of it,” said Mel.


“We were not safe, we were constantly on edge about planning the car bomb, so, we went to Arlington in Virginia near the Capital. We left notes to our parents telling them the situation. It was all very last minute, we talked about it the night before.” They made their contacts in Arlington beforehand, told them when to expect them, tore around the Capital the next morning and made good their escape, they had a sing-song to the radio on the way down.  The song that sticks in Emma’s mind is “5 million ways to kill a CEO” by The Coup. Their mobile phones then started to go mad, with receptive parents wanting to know where they were. “I remember being in this car park with Hailey and both of us being on the phone and crying to our parents and after we’d both hung up just hugging each other realizing that everything was OK.”


“I always knew I was attracted to hard line political activism but did not know there was a name for it,” said Danni.  She added, “When all my girlfriends started talking about boys, I knew being passive and girly-girl wasn’t right for me.  Ever since I can remember I always had older girlfriends who were very leftist and very active. I grew up quite innocently in a rural community. My first awakening was at 15, when a woman told me I was a terrorist and told me it was not right how I kept coming over and writing her letters about the IRA and the November 17 in Greece.  I felt sick, my heart kept pounding.  She was 18 and told me it was unnatural.  We must talk about the use of violence as a political tactic.”

Siobhan and Olive

Siobhan had been involved in 15 years of covert activity with a schoolteacher, who taught in a Catholic school. “She kept us deliberately closeted, you don’t even get that for murder do you?!” She said laughing and then on a more serious note added, “Actually I was devastated when she was arrested, but I believed in the struggle and waited.  Now she’s sitting right next to me,” Siobhan smiled affectionately at Olive. Siobhan said, “I’ve never felt happier.” She proudly portrayed her new terrorist tattoo- of an arm raising an AK-47, adding, “I told my mother specifically but I never told my brothers and sisters so I think they must just have assumed now because I lived with and as a terrorist for 15 years. I feel so comfortable now and I just introduce Olive as my partner. Something to be proud of- me and Olive together.”


Some unquenched anger began to emerge when she spoke about her ideals as a woman, barely drawing breath, she said, “Women oppress themselves, Ooh, I’m a terrorist. Ooh, I’m fat and ugly, I’m going to be a terrorist, oh, my ex-husband left me, no man can look at me because I’m getting old or I can’t do anything because I’m a terrorist and everybody hates me, well, you have to go out there and say this is me living my life. I come first and this is me!” By the time this conversation happened we were half way through our second pint of whiskey and Mercy was in full flow. “I FANCY SHINAZ AMURI, you can put that in capital letters,” she said  “She is the only woman I have ever looked at and thought- she was bold, she is my idol and has set an example for all women.”


All of her family knows she is a terror expert.  She has two brothers.  One the leader of a repressive regime, the other a terrorist. Her political brother Callum and Hannah had both told their Mum of their hatred of their brother and their terrorist tendencies on separate occasions, but neither had told Dad. They decided they should tell their Dad about both of them at the same time. Hannah said, “Dad went on the rampage smashing the T.V and ranting around the house, at one stage I remember being on his back and telling him we loved him really; he didn’t touch any if my things. Callum ran off and called the Police. My Mom knocked him out with a cast iron frying pan and then the Police came and arrested him. He spent the night in a cell. I think it was just a bit of a shock for him. Everything is fine; he’s great now. He loves Callum’s way of dealing with his brother, the non-nepotic dictator.”


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Gay Domestic Terrorism: Even against allies

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 10, 2009

Homosexual blog forecasts violence against Christians

Pete Chagnon – OneNewsNow – 11/10/2009 10:30:00 AMBookmark and Share


The FBI is investigating terrorism threats posted on a homosexual blog that appear to be aimed at Christians.

Pro-family activists have drawn attention to a disturbing exchange on a homosexual blog run by Joe Jervis of New York. The exchange takes place between individuals named Fritz and Tex in the comment section of a blog discussing the Maine homosexual marriage defeat and pro-family activists Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel and Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. LaBarbera says the two commentators discussed carrying out acts of terrorism against Christians.
“One guy [Fritz] sort of raises [the concept] and says, ‘well, if Obama doesn’t give us what we want, you are going to see a very real potential for violence’ — to quote his words…and then he says, ‘well, that is not a good thing,'” LaBarbera reports. “Then another activist comes back and says, ‘Well what’s wrong with that?'” (See sample of blog comments below)

In this online conversation, Fritz goes on to say, “This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation. Our President must wake up and prevent this from happening. Otherwise we will end up like Israel and Palestine. We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches. All it will take is one or two more losses like this. If marriage equality is taken away in one of the landmark states, we will see domestic terrorism arise very quickly….In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
Tex replies, “Still not seeing this as a bad thing Fritz…[African gay activists] didn’t gain their civil rights through being passive.”
LaBarbera goes on to say that he and Barber were then mentioned by name. Tex then contends that “maybe a bit of well organized terrorism is just what we need.”
“So you actually have a homosexual activist named Tex on this hateful JoeMyGod website in New York, actually endorsing the idea of violence against pro-family leaders,” Labarbera says.
According to Barber, the FBI was alerted to the blog and is investigating the incident. In the wake of the Fort Hood shootings, Barber contends that these threats need to be taken seriously.
In a press release from Liberty Counsel, Barber further notes that another pro-family activist, Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage, was also targeted. “A number of posters got on his website and actually called for acts of — quote — ‘organized terrorism against Christians,'” explains Barber.

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U.S.A. EcoTerrus held in China

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 9, 2009

US eco-terrorism suspect jailed in China

Nov. 29 2009 – 03:38 pm
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An American man wanted for eco-terrorism attacks in the western United States has been sentenced to three years in a Chinese prison for making illegal drugs.

Justin Franchi Solondz, 30, was given the sentence Friday, said an official at the intermediate court in Dali city, in southwestern China’s Yunnan province, who gave his family name as Zhao.

It was unclear what drugs Solondz was accused of producing. His father, Paul Solondz, told The Associated Press that his son pleaded guilty last month.

Paul Solondz said his son was arrested in China during a drug sweep in March, and authorities later found 33 pounds (15 kilograms) of marijuana leaves buried in the courtyard of a home he rented. He said evidence at the trial in China suggested that his son used chemicals to press the marijuana leaves into a liquid, but the result was an unusable, toxic mixture.

He said Solondz did not want to dispose of the liquid for fear of damaging the environment, but that after his arrest, a friend tried to do him a favor by burying the leaves in the courtyard.

Solondz was indicted in California and Washington state in 2006 in connection with a series of arsons attributed to “the Family,” a collection of radical environmentalists aligned with the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts, in 1996-2001.

Attacks by the group caused more than $80 million in damage, according to the FBI, which called Solondz a domestic terrorist. Prosecutors say Solondz used timers, Tupperware containers and fuel-filled bladders to build incendiary devices used in one of the most notorious blazes, the May 2001 destruction of the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture.

Investigators heard little of Solondz after his indictment, and the FBI issued a $50,000 reward late last year for information leading to his arrest. At the time, the agency said he might be in Canada, Europe or Asia.

Early this year he surfaced in Dali, a city popular with Western tourists, using a phony Canadian identification and an altered appearance, Mark Bartlett, the first assistant U.S. attorney in Seattle, said Saturday. He was arrested in a drug investigation in March, and a few weeks later federal prosecutors in Seattle were contacted to help confirm his true identity, Bartlett said.

The U.S. has no extradition treaty with China and it’s not immediately clear when or how Solondz might be returned to the U.S. to face charges, Bartlett said, but the Justice Department has informed Chinese officials that it remains interested in prosecuting him.

“We did not want to be seen as interfering, so we were letting the legal process go forward there so he can face the music there,” said Seattle FBI spokeswoman Robbie Burroughs. “When he gets back here we’ll deal with him.”

Paul Solondz said his son did not flee the U.S. to avoid prosecution. He said Solondz went to Italy for a wedding in 2005 and traveled from there, visiting Holocaust sites in Europe before going to Russia and China.

He entered China with a valid visa and renewed it twice, his father said.

Prosecutors in the United States say that among the fires Solondz was involved in were arsons at the Litchfield Wild Horse and Burro Corral in California and the destruction of several buildings at a poplar farm in Oregon in 2001.

His ex-girlfriend, Briana Waters, is serving six years in federal prison for serving as a lookout at the University of Washington fire. At her trial, prosecutors contended that Solondz built his incendiary devices in a clean room behind her home in Olympia, Washington.

Of 17 people indicted on charges related to the string of ELF and ALF attacks, 13 have been convicted. Three remain at large and are believed to be outside the U.S.: Josephine Sunshine Overaker, Joseph Mahmoud Dibee and Rebecca Rubin.

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Homosexual Fascism

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 9, 2009

The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists


Johann Hari

Columnist, London Independent

Posted: October 21, 2008 06:16 PM

The news that Jorg Haider – the Austrian fascist leader – spent his final few hours in a gay bar with a hot blond has shocked some people. It hasn’t shocked me. This is a taboo topic for a gay left-wing man like me to touch, but there has always been a weird, disproportionate overlap between homosexuality and fascism. Take a deep breath; here goes.

Some 10,000 gay people were slaughtered in the Nazi death-camps. Many more were humiliated, jailed, deported, ethnically cleansed, or castrated. One gay survivor of the camps, LD Classen von Neudegg, has written about his experiences. A snapshot: “Three men had tried to escape one night. They were captured, and when they returned they had the word ‘homo’ scrawled across their clothing. They were placed on a block and whipped. Then they were forced to beat a drum and cheer, ‘Hurrah! We’re back! Hurrah!’ Then they were hanged.” This is one of the milder events documented in his book.

So the idea of a gay fascist seems ridiculous. Yet when the British National Party – our own home-grown Holocaust-denying bigots – announced it was fielding an openly gay candidate in the European elections this June, dedicated followers of fascism didn’t blink. The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was – including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich. With the exception of Jean-Marie Le Pen, all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past thirty years have been gay. It’s time to admit something. Fascism isn’t something that happens out there, a nasty habit acquired by the straight boys. It is – in part, at least – a gay thing, and it’s time for non-fascist gay people to wake up and face the marching music.

Just look at our own continent over the past decade. Dutch fascist Pim Fortuyn ran on blatantly racist anti-immigrant platform, describing Islam as “a cancer” and “the biggest threat to Western civilisation today.” Yet with two little fluffy dogs and a Mamma complex, he was openly, flamboyantly gay. When accused by a political opponent of hating Arabs, he replied, “How can I hate Arabs? I sucked one off last night.”

Jorg Haider blasted Austria’s cosy post-Nazi politics to rubble in 2000 when his neo-fascist ‘Freedom Party’ won a quarter of the vote and joined the country’s government as a coalition partner. Several facts always cropped up in the international press coverage: his square jaw, his muscled torso, his SS-supporting father, his rabid anti-Semitism, his hatred of immigrants, his description of Auschwitz and Dachau as “punishment centres”. A few newspapers mentioned that he is always surrounded by fit, fanatical young men. A handful went further and pointed out that several of these young men are openly gay. Then one left-wing German paper broke the story everybody else was hinting at. They alleged Haider is gay.

Rumours of an Indian waiter with “intimate details” of Haider’s body broke into the press. The Freedom Party’s general manager Gerald Miscka quickly quit, amid accusations that he was Haider’s lover. Haider’s close gay friend Walter Kohler – who has been photographed showing off a holstered pistol while Haider chuckled – declared his opposition to outing politicians. Haider – who was married and has two children – kept quiet while his functionaries denied the rumours. The revelation that he died after leaving a gay bar suggests these rumours were true.
On and on it goes. If you inter-railed across Europe, only stopping with gay fascists, there aren’t many sights you’d miss. France’s leading post-war fascist was Edouard Pfieffer, who was not batting for the straight side. Germany’s leading neo-Nazi all through the eighties was called Michael Kuhnen; he died of AIDS in 1991 a few years after coming out. Martin Lee, author of a study of European fascism, explains, “For Kuhnen, there was something supermacho about being a Nazi, as well as being a homosexual, both of which enforced his sense of living on the edge, of belonging to an elite that was destined to make an impact. He told a West German journalist that homosexuals were ‘especially well-suited for our task, because they do not want ties to wife, children and family.'”

And it wouldn’t be long before your whistlestop tour arrived in Britain. At first glance, our Nazis seem militantly straight. They have tried to disrupt gay parades, describe gay people as “evil”, and BNP leader Nick Griffin reacted charmingly to the bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in 1999 with a column saying, “The TV footage of gay demonstrators [outside the scene of carnage] flaunting their perversion in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures repulsive.”

But scratch to homophobic surface and there’s a spandex swastika underneath. In 1999, Martin Webster, a former National Front organiser and head honcho in the British fascist movement, wrote a four-page pamphlet detailing his ‘affair’ with Nick Griffin. “Griffin sought out intimate relations with me,” openly-gay Webster explained, “in the late 1970s. He was twenty years younger than me.” Ray Hill, who infiltrated the British fascist movement for twelve years to gather information for anti-fascist groups, says it’s all too plausible. Homosexuality is “extremely prevalent” in the upper echelons of the British far right, and at one stage in the 1980s nearly half of the movement’s organisers were gay, he claims.

Gerry Gable, editor of the anti-fascist magazine ‘Searchlight’, explains, “I have looked at Britain’s Nazi groups for decades and this homophobic hypocrisy has been there all the time. I cannot think of any organisation on the extreme right that hasn’t attacked people on the grounds of their sexual preference and at the same time contained many gay officers and activists.”

Griffins’ alleged gay affair would stand in a long British fascist tradition. The leader of the skinhead movement all through the 1970s was a crazed, muscled thug called Nicky Crane. He was the icon of a reactionary backlash against immigrants, feminism and the ‘hippy’ lifetsyle of the 1960s. His movement’s emphasis on conformity to a shaven, dehumanised norm resembled classical fascist movements; Crane soon became a campaigner and leading figure in the National Front. Oh, and he was gay. Before he died of AIDS in the mid-1980s, Crane came out and admitted he had starred in many gay porn videos. Just before he died in 1986, he was allowed to steward a Gay Pride march in London, even though he still said he was “proud to be a fascist.”

The rubber-soled friction between gay fascists and progressive British gay people sparked into anger in 1985 when the Gay Skinhead Movement organised a disco at London’s Gay Centre. Several lesbians in particular objected to the “invasion” of the centre. They felt that the cult of “real men” and hypermasculine thugs was stirring up the most base feelings “in the very place, the gay movement, where you would least expect them.”

And this Gaystapo has an icon to revere, an alternative Fuhrer to worship: the lost gay fascist leader Ernst Rohm. Along with Adolf Hitler, Rohm was the founding father of Nazism. Born to conservative Bavarian civil servants in 1887, Ernst Rohm’s life began – in his view – in the “heroic” trenches of the First World War. Like so many of the generation who formed the Nazi Party, he was nurtured by and obsessed with the homoerotic myth of the trenches – heroic, beautiful boys prepared to die for their brothers and their country.

He emerged from the war with a bullet-scarred face and a reverence for war. As he put it in his autobiography, “Since I am an immature and wicked man, war and unrest appeal to me more than the good bourgeois order.” After being disbanded, he tried half-heartedly to get a foothold in civilian life, but he saw it as alien, bourgeois, boring. He had no political beliefs, only prejudices – particularly hatred of Jews. Historian Joachim Fest describes Rohm’s generation of alienated, demobbed young men humiliated by defeat as “agents of a permanent revolution without any revolutionary idea of the future, only a wish to eternalize the values of the trenches.”

It was Rohm who first spotted the potential of a soap-box ranter called Adolf Hitler. He saw him as the demagogue he needed to mobilize support for his plan to overthrow democracy and establish a “soldier’s state” where the army ruled untrammelled. He introduced the young fascist to local politicians and military leaders; they knew him for many years as “Rohm’s boy.” Gay historian Frank Rector notes, “Hitler was, to a substantial extent, Rohm’s protégé.” Rohm integrated Hitler into his underground movement to overthrow the Weimar Republic.

Rohm’s blatant, out homosexuality seems bizarre now, given the gay genocide that was to follow. He talked openly about his fondness for gay bars and Turkish baths, and was known for his virility. He believed that gay people were superior to straights, and saw homosexuality as a key principle of his proposed Brave New Fascist Order. As historian Louis Snyder explains, Rohm “projected a social order in which homosexuality would be regarded as a human behaviour pattern of high repute… He flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted his cronies do the same. He believed straight people weren’t as adept at bullying and aggression as homosexuals, so homosexuality was given a high premium in the SA.” They promoted an aggressive, hypermasculine form of homosexuality, condemning “hysterical women of both sexes”, in reference to feminine gay men.

This belief in the superiority of homosexuality had a strong German tradition that grew up at the turn of the twentieth century around Adolf Brand, publisher of the country’s first gay magazine. You could call it ‘Queer as Volk’: they preached that gay men were the foundation of all nation-states and represented an elite, warrior caste that should rule. They venerated the ancient warrior cults of Sparta, Thebes and Athens.

Rohm often referred to the ancient Greek tradition of sending gay solider couples into battle, because they were believed to be the most ferocious fighters. The famous pass of Thermopylae, for example was held by 300 soldiers – who consisted of 150 gay couples. In its early years, the SA – Hitler and Rohm’s underground army – was seen as predominantly gay. Rohm assigned prominent posts to his lovers, making Edmund Heines his deputy and Karl Ernst the SA commander in Berlin. The organisation would sometimes meet in gay bars. The gay art historian Christian Isermayer said in an interview, “I got to know people in the SA. They used to throw riotous parties even in 1933… I once attended one. It was quite well-behaved but thoroughly gay. But then, in those days, the SA was ultra-gay.”

On June 30th 1934, Rohm was awoken in a Berlin hotel by Hitler himself. He sprang to his feet and saluted, calling, “Heil Mein Fuhrer!” Hitler said simply, “You are under arrest,” and with that he left the room, giving orders for Rohm to be taken to Standelheim prison. He was shot that night. Rohm was the most high-profile kill in the massacre known as ‘the Night of the Long Knives’.

Rohm had been suspected by Hitler of disloyalty, but his murder began a massive crackdown on gay people. Heinrich Himmler, head of the Gestapo, described homosexuality as “a symptom of degeneracy that could destroy our race. We must return to the guiding Nordic principle: extermination of degenerates.”

German historian Lothar Machtan argues that Hitler had Rohm – and almost all of the large number of gay figures within the SA – killed to silence speculation about his own homosexual experiences. His ‘evidence’ for Hitler being gay is shaky and has been questioned by many historians, although some of his findings are at least suggestive. A close friend of Hitler’s during his teenager years, August Kubizek, alleged a “romantic” affair between them. Hans Mend, a despatch rider who served alongside Hitler in the First World War, claimed to have seen Hitler having sex with a man. Hitler was certainly very close to several gay men, and never seems to have had a normal sexual relationship with a woman, not even his wife, Eva Braun.

Rudolph Diels, the founder of the Gestapo, recorded some of Hitler’s private thoughts on homosexuality. “It had destroyed ancient Greece, he said. Once rife, it extended its contagious effects like an ineluctable law of nature to the best and most manly of characters, eliminating from the breeding pool the very men the Volk most needs.” This idea – that homosexuality is ‘contagious’ and, implicitly, tempting – is revealing.

Rohm is venerated on the Homo-Nazi sites that have bred on the internet like germs in a wound. They have names like Gays Against Semitism (with the charming acronym GAS), and the Aryan Resistance Corps (ARC). Their Rohmite philosophy is simple: while white men are superior to other races, gay men are “the masters of the Master Race”. They alone are endowed with the “capacity for pure male bonding” and the “superior intellect” that is needed for “a fascist revolution.” The ARC even organises holiday “get-togethers” for its members where “you can relax amongst the company of our fellow white brothers.”

So it’s fairly easy to establish that gay people are not inoculated from fascism. They have often been at its heart. This begs the bigger question: why? How did gay people – so often victims of oppression and hate – become integral to the most hateful and evil political movement of all? Is it just an extreme form of self-harm, the political equivalent to the gay kids who slash their own arms to ribbons out of self-hate?

Gay pornographer and film-maker Bruce LaBruce has one explanation. He claims that “all gay porn today is implictly fascist. Fascism is in our bones, because it’s all about glorifying white male supremacy and fetishizing domination, cruelty, power and monstrous authority figures.” He has tried to explore the relationship between homosexuality and fascism in his movies, beginning with ‘No Skin Off My Ass’ in 1991. In his disturbing 1999 film “Skin Flick’, a bourgeois gay couple – one black, one white – are sexually terrorised by a gang of gay skinheads who beat off to ‘Mein Kampf’ and beat up ‘femmes’. He implies that bourgeois gay norms quickly break down to reveal a fascist lurking underneath; the movie ends with the black character being raped in front of his half-aroused white lover, as the racist gang chant, “Fuck the monkey.”

I decided to track down some gay fascists and ask them directly. Wyatt Powers, director of the ARC, says, “I always knew in my heart racist and gay were both morally right. I don’t see any conflict between them. It’s only the Jew-owned gay press that tries to convince us that racialism is the same thing as homophobia. You can be an extreme nationalist and gay without any contradiction at all.”

One comment board on a gay racist website goes even further into racist lunacy. One gay man from Ohio says, “Even if you are gay and white, or retarded and white, YOU ARE WHITE, BOTTOM LINE! Instead of letting the white race go extinct because of worthless races such as the Africans or Mexicans popping out literally millions of babies a day, we have to fight this fucked up shit they are doing. They are raping our country.” It’s true that racism and homophobia do not necessarily overlap – but as Rabbi Bernard Melchman explains, “Homophobia and anti-Semitism are so often part of the same disease.” Racists are usually homophobic. Even after reading all their web rantings, I didn’t feel any closer to understanding why so many gay men ally themselves with people who will almost always turn on them in the end, just as the Nazis did.

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has a sensitive and intriguing explanation. “There are many reasons for this kind of thing,” he says. “Some of them are in denial. They are going for hyper-masculinity, the most extreme possible way of being a man. It’s a way of ostentatiously rejecting the perceived effeminacy of the homosexual ‘Other’. These troubled men have a simple belief in their minds: ‘Straight men are tough. Queers are weak. Therefore if I’m tough I can’t be queer.’ It’s a desperate way of proving their manhood.”

‘Searchlight’ magazine – the bible of the British anti-fascist movement, with moles in every major far-right organisation – offers an alternative explanation. “Generally condemned by a society that continues to be largely hostile to gays, some men may find refuge and a new power status in the far right,” one of their writers has explained. “Through adherence to the politics espoused by fascist groups, a new identity emerges – one where they aren’t outcasts, because they are White Men, superior to everyone else. They render the gay part of their identity invisible – or reject the socially less acceptable parts, like being feminine – while vaunting what they see as superior.”

But there’s another important question: will fascist movements inevitably turn on gay people? In the case of the Nazis, it seems to have been fairly arbitrary; Hitler’s main reason for killing Rohm was unrelated to his sexuality. From my perspective as a progressive-minded leftie, all fascism is evil; but should all gay people see it as inimical to their interests? Is it possible to have a gay fascist who wasn’t acting against his own interests? Fascism is often defined as “a political ideology advocating hierarchical government that systematically denies equality to certain groups.” It’s true that this hierarchy could benefit gay people at the expense of, say, black people. But given the prevalence of homophobia, isn’t that – even for people who don’t see fascism as inherently evil – a terrible risk to take? Won’t a culture that turns viciously on one minority get around to gay people in the end? This seems, ultimately, to be the lesson of Ernst Rohm’s pitiful, squalid little life.

The growing awareness of the role gay men play in fascist movements has been abused by some homophobes. In an especially nutty work of revisionist history called ‘The Pink Swastika’, the ‘historian’ Scott Lively tries to blame gay people for the entire Holocaust, and describes the murder of gay men in the camps as merely “gay-on-gay violence.” A typical website commenting on the book claims absurdly, “The Pink Swastika shows that there was far more brutality, rape, torture and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi homosexuals than there even was against homosexuals themselves.”

Yet we can’t allow these madmen to prevent a period of serious self-reflection from the gay movement. If Bruce LaBruce is right, many of the mainstream elements of gay culture – body worship, the lauding of the strong, a fetish for authority figures and cruelty – provide a swamp in which the fascist virus can thrive. Do some gay people really still need to learn that fascists will not bring on a Fabulous Solution for gay people, but a Final Solution for us all?

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Mason’s call to arms circa 1500

Posted by N. A. Jones on December 5, 2009

BTL:Former Religious Right Activist Warns Against Incitement to Violence
by BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine – Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions Saturday, Nov 7 2009, 6:17am address: BETWEEN THE LINES c/o WPKN Radio 89.5 FM Bridgeport, Connecticut phone: Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions http://www.squeakyw
international / human rights / other press

BTL:Former Religious Right Activist Warns Against Incitement to Violence

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Former Religious Right Activist Warns Against Incitement to Violence

Interview with Frank Schaeffer, conducted by Scott Harris

The conservative “tea party” protesters whose signs and shouts at town hall meetings compared President Obama to Hitler and Stalin; accusations that Mr. Obama is not a U.S. citizen and assertions that “death panels” are a central element of health care reform proposals, provides only a quick snapshot of America’s resurgent right-wing movement.

Despite conservative anger in April when the Department of Homeland Security had warned about the potential for violence from extremist anti-government and anti-abortion groups, a pattern of such violence has ensued.

In early April, three Pittsburgh police officers were killed by a white supremacist. The man accused of murdering a black security guard at Washington D.C.’s Holocaust Museum on June 10, James von Brunn, was a well-known white supremacist with a documented history of attacks on blacks, Jews, and the federal government. Scott Roeder, the man charged in the May 31 assassination of Kansas abortion provider Dr. George Tiller is purported to have been a member of an antigovernment militia in Montana during the mid-1990s.

One conservative religious leader, Frank Schaeffer, who quit in disgust over the extremist doctrine he and his colleagues preached, has been active in a new movement warning about the rising danger of domestic terrorism by right-wing fringe groups. Schaeffer’s evangelical-leader father, Francis Schaeffer, wrote a best-selling book titled, “A Christian Manifesto,” in which he equated legal abortion to the Holocaust. Between the Lines’ Scott Harris spoke with Frank Schaeffer about the danger he sees in the failure to challenge right-wing hate groups inciting violence and the media outlets that amplify their message.

Frank Schaeffer is author of “Patience With God,” and “Crazy for God.” Visit his website at Contact a coalition fighting extremist violence at

Related Links:

* The Southern Poverty Law Center at or (334) 956-8200
* “The Year in Hate: Number of Hate Groups Tops 900,” The Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report, Spring 2009

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USA:Hate Crimes

Posted by N. A. Jones on November 24, 2009

Hate crimes up in US
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
WASHINGTON: The number of US hate crime victims rose slightly last year to nearly 9,700 from 9,500 in 2007, with most people targeted because of their skin colour, the FBI said on Monday. More than half of hate crimes committed in the United States were racially motivated, and three-quarters of the victims were black, the FBI’s annual report on hate crimes said.Of the 6,927 known perpetrators of all hate crimes — which include attacks driven by not only racial bias but also by the victims’ religious affiliation, sexual orientation, ethnic origins or disability — 61 per cent were white. Blacks perpetrated attacks in around 20 per cent of cases. The report was compiled after the issue of race was thrust into the centre of US politics with African American Barack Obama’s successful bid to be elected the first black president of the United States.

Around 17 per cent of hate crime victims were attacked because of their sexual orientation, the overwhelming majority, 96 per cent, because they were gay or lesbian.

Nearly 20 per cent were attacked for their religious affiliation, with Jews making up around two-thirds of the victims of those attacks. Muslims were the targets of less than eight per cent of religious hate crimes, putting them in third place behind Jews and followers of unspecified “other religions” attacked in 13 per cent of religion-fueled hate crimes.

In 2007, Muslims represented about eight per cent of victims attacked because of their religion, and in 2006 they made up 12 per cent of victims of religion-motivated hate crimes.

Members of the large US Hispanic community were victims of 64 per cent, or nearly two-thirds, of the 1,148 hate crimes driven by a bias against a person’s ethnicity or national origin.

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